What are 12 free gifts you can give every day of the year to bring joy to others as well as yourself? When we begin to realize that everything we give out comes back to us in some form, we begin to want to share wonderful things. When you are a grump, more reasons to be grumpy begin to happen in your life. When you are filled with joy, life continues to be more joyful.
Well, you may say, “I’m having difficulty right now in my life and it is nearly impossible to feel joy or anything close to it.” I say, “then start by giving out these simple and free gifts to everyone you come in contact with, and not only will you brighten their day, you will brighten yours too.”
The holidays are a time of gift giving. We put a lot of money and a lot of love into finding the perfect gifts for our friends and family. This is all wonderful and can be the source of great fun for everyone involved, but what about the other days of the year? Are there gifts that we can keep giving without breaking our bank account?
Of course there are! I challenge you to begin giving these gifts and report back to me with what happens when you do. This is a great game to play now to start practicing for the New Year. Give at least one of these gifts to everyone you come in contact with and I promise you that your life will become richer and you will learn one simple secret from SanaView on how to Embrace a Better Life!
A smile
A compliment
A thank you
A warm handshake
A hug
A joke or reason to laugh
A helpful tip or lend a hand
An ear – to listen
A positive perspective
A story
A song or great music
Love (or a kiss!)
Stay tuned for a huge announcement from Janet McKee, founder of SanaView, on new and powerful material that will be presented to you on ways to be more engaged, joyful and confident in your life.
LEARN HOW TO LIVE A MORE TRIUMPHANT LIFE by getting FREE ACCESS to my introductory Triumphant Life of Abundance videos by clicking the button below:
About Janet McKee and SanaView
SanaView is an organization whose mission is to inspire and teach easy, effective and enjoyable ways to Embrace a Better Life; a life that is richer, happier, healthier and more fulfilling. Janet McKee, founder of SanaView, is one of the most vibrant, inspirational and motivational speakers of our time. She is known for captivating her audience through the use of real-life stories and anecdotal accounts that draw people in, entertain them, uplift and empower them with real solutions that they can begin to use to improve their lives immediately.
To learn more about SanaView’s online courses, join SanaView as a premium member.
Janet McKee, founder of SanaView, is now one of only 200 people around the world who has become certified as a world-class High Performance Coach™. As a follower/member of SanaView, you will have access to the very information that is used by some of the most successful people in the world. To learn how to live a richer life with greater energy, joy and confidence through Janet’s High Performance Coaching™ Program, visit:
SanaView’s High Performance Coaching Program to receive a $1000 scholarship plus more bonuses being offered for a limited time.